Interested in a secure fixed rate investment at 5.5%, with an inflation rate guarantee up to 9%, that also challenges existing exploitative financial structures?
The Opportunity
the last 19 years, we have been creating humane and ecologically sound
alternatives to the destructive aspects of mainstream culture.
This involves examining every aspect of human life, and trying to
discover what could be done more sustainably, more humanely, more
In particular, we have seen what a mess the banks have made of our economy, and of people’s lives. There are alternatives to continuing to support such a destructive and exploitative system: this investment is one of them.
The investment provides financing for the Allegheny Crest Intentional Village, a socially responsible project that includes Abrams Creek Retreat Center, host of New Culture Summer Camp East, seasonal New Culture Camps, and many other heart-centered, pleasure-positive, community-building events focused on personal growth and social change. (More about the Intentional Village below.)
To finance this project, we created a program fourteen years ago that steps outside the dysfunctional banking system, and pays more than even the teaser rates that some banks are now offering. And now that inflation has dropped to 4%, those higher rates will go away quickly. These loans have a very high degree of security--second only to a Federal guarantee. During those 14 years, interest has been paid on schedule every month. We can now accept new investors and offer them that same high return with excellent security.
5.5% per year interest –5 year term – highly secure
- inflation
rate up to 9%
- invested in a locally ownedsocial enterprise
- guaranteed by real
estate equity
- promotes key social change values
- environmentally sensitive andsustainable
- provides an alternative to anexploitative banking system
- supports rural revitalization,sustainability, radical inclusion
-qualifies for Roth IRA investment
references available
(Due to the cost of setup and maintenance of each account, we ask that the minimum investment be about $5,000.00.)
More info at:
The Vision of Allegheny Crest Intentional Village
Imagine a place where human diversity is respected in all its manifestations! Where open communication is the norm, consent is a core value, and, rather than scarcity and competition, people see synergy and mutual benefit as a way of life.
Crest Intentional Village is
an intriguing way of living designed to enhance compassion and
personal freedom. The Village involves creating specific facilities
and larger cultural contexts that are welcoming of diversity and
supportive of people connecting at a heart level in all aspects of
their lives. We have full-time residents as well as others who
split their time between the DC area and Allegheny Crest. Our
vision continues to be received with excitement by a number of people
who have attended our recent events, and others who are now in the
process of joining our team and community. In furtherance of our
concept of a “village”, not just a community, we have also been
successful at developing a number of strong connections with the area
In addition to Abrams Creek, we operate a combination grocery and True Value Hardware store in the nearby town of Mount Storm. Virtually everyone living in the Mount Storm area drops by the store on a relatively frequent basis, and we offer a variety of services and activities designed to support the environmental, interpersonal, and societal values that we hold. We also own and operate a motel, a 2-bedroom apartment, four houses, and a laundromat; all these are in full operation.
This is a unique opportunity to "do good by doing well." The funds will be used to replace loans that are being paid off, so there will be no increase in our debt load, even though we have invested heavily in enhancing and expanding all the properties. This increases the value of the properties and creates even greater security for our investors.
Both your investment and our project are forms of social enterprise, a business activity that has a social benefit as well.
Read more about this at:
*To find out more, contact Michael Rios at, or at 703-755-0607.